决战2019 9月4日 22时3分
1. cozy up with someone ① Literally, to snuggle with someone as if to get warm. ◎ The puppies cozied up to their mother. ◎ I left the room when my sister and her boyfriend started cozying up to each other.🗿 ② To become friendly with someone, usually in an attempt to obtain sth. to try to get in good with someone; to try to increase one's influence with someone by being extra nice and friendly. ◎ The salesman tried to cozy up to the customer. ◎ Since I'm deciding who gets the promotion, Crystal has been cozying up to me by buying me coffee all week. 2. a sad state of affairs A particularly unfortunate, unpleasant, and/or upsetting situation or set of circumstances. ◎ Their company has been in a sad state after Jonathan took over. ◎ We could not allow that sad state of affairs to continue.