


决战2019 10月26日 22时44分

1. come down with sth To become ill. "With" is typically followed by the particular illness. to become or to be sick with some illness. ◎ Susan came down with a bad cold and had to cancel her trip. ◎ I didn't go to work because I came down with the flu. ◎ Our goalie came down with the flu and missed the game. 2. steal someone's thunder spoil somebody's attempt to surprise or impress, by doing sth first; To garner the attention or praise that one had been expecting or receiving for some accomplishment, announcement, etc. ◎ My brother is the star athlete of our high school, so no matter what I succeed in, he's constantly stealing my thunder. ◎ We were about to announce our engagement when Jeff and Tina stole our thunder and revealed that they were going to have a baby. ◎ He had planned to tell everyone about his discovery at the September meeting, but his assistant stole his thunder by talking about it beforehand. 3. pain in the neck A person or thing that is extremely annoying or inconvenient. ◎ Getting boxes in and out of the attic is a real pain in the neck. ◎ Her new boyfriend is a real pain in the neck — he never stops talking.

评论 17 点赞

  • 追梦的肉球

    回复 : 菠萝晚安

    10月26日 22时51分

  • 可爱的小S

    回复 : 菠萝晚安

    10月26日 22时58分

  • 马吃菠萝

    回复 : 球球晚安

    10月26日 23时1分

  • 马吃菠萝

    回复 : 小S晚安

    10月26日 23时1分

  • 萌系萝莉

    回复 : steal someone's thunder 岂不是用迅雷下载了什么都被看到了🌚

    10月26日 23时6分

  • 古风的狐狸

    回复 : 萝莉好

    10月26日 23时7分

  • 萌系萝莉

    回复 : 小狐狸早点睡哦~晚安💤

    10月26日 23时8分

  • 古风的狐狸

    回复 : 萝莉也早点睡,别有黑眼圈了哦~晚安😘

    10月26日 23时10分

  • 马吃菠萝

    回复 : 惊天霹雳!看到了脑子里嗡的一声🗿

    10月26日 23时15分

  • 萌系萝莉

    回复 : 你那是热血上头了🌚

    10月26日 23时22分

  • 米扣的海伦凯勒

    回复 : 晚安🌙

    10月26日 23时33分

  • 马吃菠萝

    回复 : 是谁给我下了10000小时的英语学习视频!

    10月26日 23时41分

  • 马吃菠萝

    回复 : 晚安

    10月26日 23时41分

  • 张一一

    回复 : goalie, garner 是什么意思

    10月27日 8时34分

  • 马吃菠萝

    回复 : 桌桌,你猜哪个是goalie,哪个是garner😏😏 If someone has g_____ something useful or valuable, they have gained it or collected it. A g_____ is the same as a goalkeeper .  A goalkeeper is the player on a sports team whose job is to guard the goal.

    10月27日 9时30分

  • 张一一

    回复 : 第一个是garner,第二个goalie,还好给了goalkeeper的解释,不然又问你goalkeeper 是啥.真稀罕我桌桌,回复方式别具一格

    10月27日 11时16分

  • 马吃菠萝

    回复 : 因为我也不知道这俩词,现查了和桌桌一起学习😂

    10月27日 11时18分
